
Emily in her TEAM EMILY shirt for the Diabetes Walk

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

One Week Later...

I haven't been one to talk about my faith very much, but when something happens out of the blue, and there's no doubt that God had a hand in it, I feel like I have to say something. So, here I am, one week after hearing things like neurological tests and other things that I didn't want to hear. The Speech Therapist returned today for her weekly visit. After last week, my heart sank for a couple of days, but I am one that believes in prayer. So, that's what I did...when there was no comfort around, I prayed for some. And, this morning, it came. All I heard the whole time the therapist was here is "Wow! She is doing so good this week!", "She's doing amazing this week!", and "OMG! She did it!". I saw my Emily shine! She's always been a little miracle baby. I was induced two weeks early in my pregnancy with her because she was not growing at the rate that they wanted. Turns out, the cord was too small, and she wasn't getting the nutrition that she needed. Had they waited more than a couple more days, she might not have made it. Then, of course, with a blood sugar of 1500 at 11 months old, SHE SURVIVED! Then, today...when the therapist was talking about brain trouble last week, she walked in this week, and as I said, Emily shined! Through that, so did my God!! The therapist might not have known that...but I did! He has always been with her, throughout her little short life, and after days like today, Is know he always will be! God bless all of you and your little ones!